My First Jump

My First Jump

“First we eat, then we do everything else.” - M.F.K Fisher

When it comes to personal writing, I am a highly skilled procrastinator. And I know exactly why. It’s the simple fear of failure. The looming, blank page, the swirl of ideas in my brain and the worry that they’ll come together into one, coherent thought. This is why it has taken me until now to create this blog and to write this very first post. It’s the reason it took several deep nudges from several good friends to convince me to do it at all. It’s funny because I am a firm believer in my professional life that failure is an important part of being successful and shouldn’t be shied away from; that failure can often lead to new discoveries and perspectives and that leaps of faith should be encouraged. But, the prospect of failing at something so deeply personal is different.

This blog is not a job I’ve been hired and tasked with doing for someone else. It is entirely my own and that is without a doubt one of the most terrifying thoughts I’ve ever had. Luckily, like most terrifying thoughts, it’s also an exhilarating one. Fear and excitement often go hand-in-hand. I imagine it’s why some people jump out of planes. In that scenario, I suppose, this blog is my plane and this post is my first jump. A leap of faith I’m excited and terrified to take, not knowing where it might lead, but being hopeful.

My Search for the Perfect Winter Cocktail

My Search for the Perfect Winter Cocktail